One week project: Image
/First years have recently finished their one week image brief, with the seemingly simple task of juxtaposing two images to communicate a theme of contrast.
This project develops the research phase, then requires making connections first and finding imagery later. Thus: think first, design second. It is not an easy brief, to achieve one good solution is a task but a week offers enough time to do so.
Though given themes vary in depth of meaning, they can only be communicated by the selection of clear, concise imagery which is then appropriately cropped.
Visual layering and complexity is the antithesis of the task. A designer’s job is to communicate clearly and effectively, and use wit to their advantage.
We look forward to seeing how these juxtapositions develop for final assessment.
visible & invisible
near & far
work & play
work & play
work & play
work & play
freedom & restraint
sweet & sour
careless & cautious